Spanish Presidency of the EU 2023

INCERT acted as a support to organizers in their preparations of high-end international meetings throughout the whole Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union (hereafter Spanish Presidency). In this blog post we aim to present Novento’s highlights during this project.

Novento is not a static, but ready-to-use solution, adaptive to new environments and requirements. Our team of experts ensures that new functionalities and elements are being implemented for every new Presidency, allowing the solution to evolve consistently.

As for example, during the Spanish Presidency our team implemented different new features, here below is the listing of the most important ones.

1.       Logistics aspects

-          In collaboration with external hotel booking provider, participants could book an accommodation through the Novento website. This was assuring that enough rooms were available during the Presidency.

-          For the first time, we successfully managed the registration of flight arrivals and departures.

2.       Security aspects

-          We implemented special functionality using Guardia-Civil-based templates to simplify verification/screening of participant data by the Police.

-          We introduced specific feature which allowed each participant on-site to easily access contact information for Head of Delegations.

3.       Administrative aspects

-          We introduced notifications feature, informing participants whenever a document is published or updated on Novento.

-          We added the capability to duplicate badge templates, enhancing flexibility and efficiency in the badge template creation process.

And to conclude, here are some highlights in figures and statistics of the Spanish Presidency in 2023:

·         107 events organized, including 43 Informal Ministerial Meetings and 1 Summit in Grenada where INCERT team was on site.

·         267 users created in the admin backend.

·         13194 registered delegates.

·         2791 registered journalists.

·         10485 registered suppliers.

·         2987 Permanent + 14067 by event badges have been printed and 14519 participants have been checked on site.



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